14th Florida Cervantes Symposium

FIU MMC, November 22-23, 2024 | Tamiami Hall Multipurpose Room

The Florida Cervantes Symposium provides an academic platform for specialists, scholars, and students to gather and discuss research and teaching methodologies related to Cervantes’s works and early modern Spain and the Americas. This year’s symposium will feature two keynote speakers: Prof. Luce López Baralt from the University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras, and Michel Armstrong-Roche from Wesleyan University. As in previous editions, participants at this year’s symposium will explore cross-cultural influences, linguistic connections, and shared historical contexts, contributing to a more comprehensive understanding of the broader Hispanic world, beyond the borders of early modern Spain. The interdisciplinary nature of the event will foster a broader perspective on the cultural and historical interconnections within the Spanish-speaking world. All events are free and open to the general public.

  • Day 1: November, 22th 2024

    9:30–10:00 AM | Breakfast

    10:00 AM Opening Remarks, Medardo Gabriel Rosario (Assistant Professor, Department of Modern Languages at FIU), Nicky Fraser (Chair of the Department of Modern Languages at FIU), Shlomi Dinar (Dean of the Steven J. Green School of International & Public Affairs at FIU)

    First Session | Chair: Shai Cohen 

    10:20 AM | Anne J. Cruz, University of Miami, «El lector como etnógrafo en Don Quijote»

    10:40 AM | Carmela Mattza, Louisiana State University, «La cadena de oro: alquimia, mujer y escritura en ‘El vizcaíno’»

    11:00 AM | Anyel Miranda, FIU, «Por un don Quijote a la vanguardia»

    11:20 AM | Q&A

    11:40 AM–12:00 PM | Break

    Second Session | Chair: Yolanda Gamboa

    12:00 PM | Ricardo Castells, FIU, «Don Quijote y el bálsamo de Fierabrás: entre la parodia de la tradición caballeresca y el realismo grotesco bajtiniano»

    12:20 PM | Martha García and Isabel Simon, UCF, «Prolificidad literaria y artística: Don Quijote de la Mancha y el texto cervantino en el contexto pedagógico del siglo veintiuno»

    12:40 PM | Q&A

    1:00–2:00 PM | Lunch

    Third Session | Chair: Carmela Mattza

    2:00 PM Shifra Armon, University of Florida«Marfisa and Melibea: Two Approaches to Fama»

    2:20 PM | Yolanda Gamboa Tusquets, Florida Atlantic University, «Resistencia cotidiana: moriscas y ritual en tiempos de Cervantes»

    2:40 PM Shai Cohen, University of Miami, «Una Lectura Sefardí de Cervantes: tradición, traducción y transformación»

    3:00 PM | Q&A

    3:00–3:20 PM | Break

    3:20 PM Keynote: Michael Armstrong-Roche, Wesleyan University, «Cervantes’s Comedia nueva: A Playwright Reinvents Himself»

    4:30 PM | Yetzabel Arias, Luciana Kube, Héctor Molina, and Edder Rivera, Early Music Concert, «El Quijote y la música, un recorrido por los cuatro elementos»

    5:30 PM | Reception

  • Day 2: November 23rd, 2024

    9:00 AM – 9:30 AM | Breakfast

    9:30 AM | Opening Remarks

    Fourth Session | Chair: Ricardo Castells

    9:40 AM | William Little, California Polytechnic State University, University of Florida, and Santa Fe College, «Translating Cervantes’s Persiles viewed through the prism of Cervantes-Little»

    10:00 AM | Idania Cater, FIU, «Marcela and Grisóstomo’s Interpolated Tale: Classical Rhetoric at Its Best»

    10:20 AM | Matt Michel, Santa Fe College, «False Letrados: Aristocratic Pretensions vs. Genuine Learning in Don Quixote».

    10:40 AM | Q&A

    11:00–11:30 AM | Coffee Break

    11:30 AM Keynote: Luce López-Baralt, Universidad de Puerto Rico, «En defensa de la magia escrituraria cervantina».

    12:30 PM | Honoring Ceremony for Retired Colleagues

    1:00 PM | Closing Remarks

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