
Arabic is the native language of over 400 million people in more than 22 nations that spread across North Africa, the Middle East, and the Arabian Peninsula; ranking as the 5th most spoken language in the world. As the language of the Qur'an, it is also widely used throughout the Muslim world. Further, it is one of the official languages of the United Nations. The Arabic language belongs to the Semitic language family, which also includes Hebrew and Amharic.


What do we offer?

The Department currently offers a four-semester sequence of instruction in beginning and intermediate Arabic. Credits earned in Arabic courses will fulfill the requirements to complete the Certificate in Languages and Cultures of North Africa and/or the Certificate of Middle East and Central Asian Studies.

  • Courses

    ABT 3502 Arab Literatures and Cultures in Global Perspective (3) GL Global learning foundational course introduces students to literatures, movies, creative arts, media produced in the Arabic speaking world and in the Arab Diaspora (South America - US - Europe)

    ABT 3503 Arabic Language and Culture (3). Provides a general understanding of Arabic language and culture. Special emphasis on the language, the script, and the sounds of the language.

    ARA 1130 Arabic I (5). Provides training in the acquisition and application of basic language skills.

    ARA 1131 Arabic II (5). Provides training in the acquisition and application of basic language skills.

    ARA 2200 Intermediate Arabic (3). Provides intermediate training in the acquisition and application of basic language skills. Prerequisites: One year prior study at college level or permission of the instructor.

    ARA 2240 Intermediate Arabic Conversation (3). Continuation of the conversational skills learned in the first 2 semesters of the language sequence. Prerequisites: ARA 1130 and ARA1131 or permission of the instructor.