Program Overview
With more than 400 million speakers, Spanish is one of the most important languages in our globalized world. Spanish is the official language in 21 countries and more than 45 million speak it in the United States. Florida International University's Bachelor of Arts in Spanish will prepare you to join the Spanish community through in-depth observation and practice of the language, linguistics, literature, translation and interpretation, film, and culture. The large demographic of hispanic students on campus and the hispanic culture surrounding South Florida offer great opportunities to get familiar with this beloved romance language.
With over 140 courses to choose from, our Spanish program is one of the most diverse and immersive programs to become acquainted with all that Spanish has to offer. By taking advantage of our course offerings and location, students gain tangible, real-world knowledge and experience on Spanish language and culture that will last a lifetime.

Bachelor of Arts in Spanish Online
The Online Bachelor of Arts in Spanish is now available through FIU Online. FIU is No. 1 in the nation for Quality Matters certified online courses, ensuring the same high quality of education as traditional in-person classes. Pursue the Bachelor of Arts in Spanish stress-free, at your own pace.
- Overall
To undertake a major in Spanish, a student must demonstrate a proficiency in the language at the intermediate level. This can be achieved by taking the following courses: SPN 1130 (Spanish I), SPN 1131 (Spanish II), and SPN 2200 (Intermediate Spanish I). This may also be done by an examination administered by the Department, or by completing SPN 2201 (non-heritage learners) or SPN 2340 (heritage learners).
- Required Credits (30)
12 credits of Core Courses and 18 credits of electives are required.
Core Courses (12 credits)
- SPN 3301 Review Grammar and Writing (3)
- SPN 3343 Advanced Spanish for Native Speakers (3)
- SPN 3422 Advanced Grammar and Composition (3)
- SPW 3130 Introduction to Spanish American Literature (3)
- SPW 3820 Introduction to Peninsular Spanish Literature (3)
Students who have advanced proficiency in Spanish may replace the six language credits with electives in Spanish at the 3000 or 4000 level with the written permission of their advisors.
- Elective Courses (18)
A total of 18 credit of electives from any of the following areas are required:
- SPW literature/cinema and SPN culture/cinema.
- Upper-division Spanish translation and interpretation.
- Culture-based advanced conversation (SPN 3401/3410).
- Upper-division Spanish language.
- 1000-2000 Level Courses (Lower Division)
SPN 1000 Elementary Spanish (3). Emphasis on oral skills, contemporary language and culture. Content oriented to students with specific professional or leisure interests. This course is not part of a series. No prerequisites.
SPN 1030 Elementary Spanish for Medical Personnel (5). Conversational elementary Spanish for medical personnel. Recommended for non-native speakers of Spanish who are in nursing or other health-related professions.
SPN 1130 Spanish I (5). Course designed specifically for beginning university students with no previous language study. Emphasis on oral Spanish and on acquiring basic language skills.
SPN 1131 Spanish II (5). Emphasis on oral Spanish and on acquiring basic language skills.
SPN 2200 Intermediate Spanish I (3). Provides intermediate training in the acquisition and application of basic language skills. Prerequisites: SPN 1131 or equivalent.
SPN 2201 Intermediate Spanish II (3). Last course of a four-semester sequence which implements a proficiency-oriented approach. Focuses on the development of listening and reading comprehension skills, and encourages maximum oral interaction and the practice of writing.
SPN 2210 Oral Communications Skills (3). Development of oral skills through skits, debates, and contextualized communication. Prerequisites: SPN 1131 or equivalent.
SPN 2230 Intermediate Readings in Spanish (3). Provides opportunities to develop fluency. Emphasis on selected literary and /or cultural readings; films and group activities intended to stimulate communication and enhance an understanding of Hispanic culture. Prerequisites: SPN 1131 or equivalent. Corequisite: SPN 2200 recommended.
SPN 2240 Intermediate Spanish Conversation (3). This course is designed to help students maintain and increase their ability in the language while unable to continue the regular sequence. May be repeated twice. Prerequisites: SPN 1131 or equivalent.
SPN 2270 Foreign Study (6). Intermediate level. One semester full-time credit for foreign residence and study. Individual cases will be evaluated for approval.
SPN 2330 Advanced Readings in Spanish (3). Further develops, at an advanced level, appropriate reading, oral, and writing skills. Emphasis on advanced cultural and literary readings by Spanish and Spanish American authors. Prerequisites: SPN 2230 or permission of instructor.
SPN 2340 Intermediate Spanish for Native Speakers (3). Improvement of spelling, grammar, vocabulary, reading, writing, and oral skills for Hispanic bilinguals educated in the U.S., with less than two years of formal training in Spanish but whose mother tongue is Spanish. Prerequisite: Ability to understand Spanish.
- 3000 Level Courses (Upper Division)
SPN 3013 Language Skills for Professional Personnel (3). The course is geared to the special linguistic needs of the community groups (medical, business, technical, etc.).
SPN 3031 Intermediate Spanish for Medical Personnel (3). Provides intermediate training in the acquisition and application of medical language skills. Prerequisites: SPN 1030 or permission of the instructor.
SPN 3301 Review Grammar and Writing (3). Practice in contemporary usage through selected readings in culture and civilization. Development of writing and speaking ability in extemporaneous contexts. The course will be conducted exclusively in the target language. For non-native speakers.
SPN 3343 Advanced Spanish for Native Speakers (3). Improvement of literacy skills through grammar review, composition, and selected readings of representative Hispanic writers, including Cuban, Puerto Rican, and Chicano authors. For U.S. Hispanic bilinguals with at least two years of formal training in Spanish. Prerequisites: SPN 2340 or permission of the instructor.
SPN 3401 Advanced Conversation (3). Improvement of oral proficiency and listening comprehension skills, correction of accent, vocabulary building. Use of small group conversation, pronunciation tapes, and varied outside readings.
SPN 3410 Advanced Oral Communication (3). Development of oral skills through a variety of speaking and conversational activities: public speaking, debate, drama, recitation. For native speakers and advanced non-natives. Prerequisite: Oral ability in Spanish.
SPN 3413 Communication Arts (3). Oral interpretation and dramatic reading. Original and non-original texts will be the content of the course. Study of shared modes of experience and their individual linguistic expression in an acquired language.
SPN 3422 Advanced Grammar and Composition I (3). To consolidate the student’s command of oral and written Spanish. Advanced readings of authentic materials. Preparation and documentation of written monographs. For natives and advanced non-natives. Prerequisites: SPN 2341, SPN 3301 or equivalent.
SPN 3423 Advanced Grammar and Composition II (3). Focuses on advanced writing and reading skills. Preparation and documentation of written monographs. Prerequisite: SPN 3422.
SPN 3440 Spanish Business Composition/ Correspondence (3). Training in the special writing needs of business: letter-writing, memoranda, brochures, advertising, proposals, declarations, government documents, etc.
SPN 3520 Spanish American Culture I (3). Introduction to the major artistic and cultural phenomena in Latin America. Art, music, film, and literature will be discussed in their cultural context. Prerequisite: Ability to understand Spanish at advanced level.
SPN 3521 Spanish American Culture II (3). Study of the evolution of national identity in Latin America, from the 19th Century to the present. Prerequisites: Spanish American Culture I or permission of instructor.
SPN 3702 Applied Linguistics (3). Examination of available linguistic materials for self-instruction. Problem-solving in syntax and phonetics, through the application of modern/traditional methods. Prerequisites: LIN 3010 or equivalent. (Conducted in Spanish).
SPN 3733 General Linguistics (3). Examination and synthesis of the concepts and perspectives of major contributions to language theory. (Conducted in Spanish.) Equivalent to LIN 3010. Students who take LIN 3010 may not receive credit for SPN 3733 or LIN 3013.
SPN 3780 Phonetics (3). The application of phonetic theory and practice for speech refinement. Study of sound patterns in communication and creative activity. Prerequisites: LIN 3010, LIN 3013, SPN 3733 or equivalent.
SPN 3820 Dialectology (3). Definition and analysis. Problem-solving in dialect classification. Prerequisites: LIN 3010, LIN 3013, SPN 3733 or equivalent.
SPT 3110 Literature in Translation (3). Masterpieces of Hispanic literature in English. Comparative use of the original text. Discussion and interpretation.
SPT 3800 Foundations to Translation Skills (3). Techniques of translation, in Spanish and English, applied to law, business, technology, and literature.
SPT 3812 Foundations of Interpreting (3). Exercises in sight translation, consecutive and simultaneous interpretation in Spanish and English. Theory and practice.
SPW 3130 Spanish American Literature (3). Close reading and analysis of prose, poetry and drama. Selections from Spanish American Literature. Prerequisites: SPN 3422 or equivalent and oral and written proficiency in Spanish.
SPW 3323 Garcia Lorca’s Theatre (3). Readings from representative plays by Spain’s finest dramatist of the 20th century, including his three well-known tragedies and a number of short comic plays. Discussion of such themes as social and individual justice and freedom; passion and repression; and the role of poetry in the theatre. Prerequisites: SPW 3130 or SPW 3820 or permission of the instructor.
SPW 3324 Contemporary Spanish Drama: Buero Vallejo (3). Chronological readings from plays written between 1949-1980. Emphasis on dramatic reading. An examination of the evolution of dramatic art in the contexts of censorship and freedom. Prerequisites: SPW 3130 or SPW 3820 or permission of the instructor.
SPW 3342 Twentieth Century Spanish Poets (3). Readings from selected poets of the 20th century, such as Antonio Machado, Miguel Hernandez, Damaso Alonso, and Rafael Alberti. Close examination of the poems representative of these poets, and their contribution to the development of Spanish poetry from the Generation of 1898 to the middle of the 20th century. Prerequisites: SPW 3130 or SPW 3820 or permission of the instructor.
SPW 3371 The Latin American Short Story (3). Readings from the 19th century authors and such 20th century masters as Borges, Cortazar, Cabrera Infante, Garcia Marquez, and Rulfo. Examination of short-story techniques and of such themes as social satire, the nature of reality, reason, and irrationally. Prerequisites: SPW 3130 or SPW 3820 or permission of the instructor.
SPW 3392 Cuban Culture Through Cinema (3). The evolution of popular culture in Cuba as expressed in films from the 1930s to the present.
SPW 3423 Masterworks of the Golden Age (3). Readings from selected masterpieces of the Spanish Renaissance and Baroque, such as La Celestina, Lazarillo de Tormes, and the short novels of Cervantes. Emphasis on satire and the representation of such human problems as freedom, poverty, and the rebellion of the individual. Prerequisites: SPW 3130 or SPW 3820 or permission of the instructor.
SPW 3520 Prose and Society (3). The dynamics of participation and alienation between prose writers and their environment. Prerequisites: SPW 3130 or SPW 3820 or permission of the instructor.
SPW 3604 Don Quijote (3). A careful reading and discussion of Cervantes’ Don Quijote, with particular attention to its multiple meanings in human terms, its innovative contributions to the novel in Europe, and the author’s use of irony, characterization, and humor. Prerequisites: SPW 3130 or SPW 3820 or permission of the instructor.
SPW 3720 The Generation of 98 (3). Based on the works of Azorin, Baroja, Ganivet, Machado, Maetzu, Unamuno, and Valle-Inclan. This course will emphasize the individual thrust each author makes to foster artistic revolution and human regeneration, within a society characterized by abulia and existentialist anxiety. Prerequisites: SPW 3130 or SPW 3820 or permission of the instructor.
SPW 3810 Literary Analysis (3). The identification and appreciation of techniques for sensitive reading and discussion of literary texts.
SPW 3820 Peninsular Spanish Literature (3). Close reading and analysis of prose, poetry, and drama. Selections from Spanish peninsular literature. Prerequisites: SPN 3422 or equivalent and oral and written proficiency in Spanish.
SPW 3930 Special Topics (3). Readings and discussion of literary/linguistic topics to be determined by students and instructor. Prerequisites: SPW 3130 or SPW 3820 or permission of the instructor.
- 4000 Level Courses (Upper Division)
SPN 4312 Introduction to Spanish Syntax (3). An introduction to Spanish syntax. Topics include an introduction to syntactic analysis and syntactic phenomena of Spanish. Prerequisites: LIN 3010, LIN 3013, SPN 3733 or equivalent.
SPN 4470 Foreign Study: Advanced Language Literature (12). Full semester credit for foreign residence and study/work. (Approval of the Department required.)
SPN 4500 Spanish Culture (3). Open to any student who understands the target language. The development of a particular civilization. Emphasis on the evolution of a society, its ideas and its values.
SPN 4790 Contrastive Phonology (3). Contrasts in the sound systems of English and Spanish. Prerequisites: LIN 3010, LIN 3013, SPN 3733 or equivalent.
SPN 4802 Contrastive Syntax (3). Contrasts in the grammatical systems of English and Spanish with emphasis on structures with equivalent meanings. Recommended for students of translation and interpretation. Prerequisites: LIN 3010, LIN 3013, SPN 3733 or equivalent or permission of the instructor.
SPN 4822 Hispanic-American Socio-linguistics (3). Language and society in Latin America. Sociolinguistic theory followed by consideration of specific language problems in Spanish and Portuguese speaking areas of the Americas. Prerequisites: LIN 3010, LIN 3013, SPN 3733 or equivalent.
SPN 4840 History of the Language (3). The internal and external history of language development. Examination of model texts from key periods of evolution. Prerequisites: LIN 3010, LIN 3013, SPN 3733 or equivalent.
SPN 4905 Independent Study (1-3). Project, field experience, readings, or research.
SPN 4930 Special Topics in Linguistics (3). Provides the opportunity for students and instructor to explore topics not included in the regular course offerings. Content to be determined.
SPN 4936 Senior Seminar (3). Topic and approach to be determined by students and instructor.
SPT 4400 African Presence in Latin American Literature (3). Studies a selection of relevant Latin American literary works (in translation) dealing with the effects of African culture in Spanish-American and Brazilian literatures.
SPT 4801 Translation Practica (3). Translation of media, literary, and scientific texts.
SPT 4802 Practica in Oral Translation and Interpretation (3). Sight translation into and out of English. Introduction to the study of terminology.
SPT 4803 Practica in Legal Translation (3). Provides advanced training in translating most commonly used legal documents in both civil and criminal procedures.
SPT 4804 Practice in Legal Interpretation (3). Training in consecutive and simultaneous interpretation of both civil and criminal legal proceedings before Federal and State courts.
SPT 4805 Translation in Communication Media (3). Provide insight into the techniques of translation of advertising, public relations and publicity materials to be used in the mass media such as print and broadcasting.
SPT 4806 Oral Skills for Interpreters (3). Voice production in sight translation, consecutive and simultaneous interpretation. Vocal projection, enunciation and phonetics, theory and practice. Extensive exercises in vocal control. Use of sound equipment.
SPT 4807 Practica in Business Translation (3). Business and language translation and the business world. Principles, techniques, and methods of business translation. Extensive practical exercises in translating routine business documents from English to Spanish and vice versa.
SPT 4808 Practica in Technological Translation (3). Language and technology. The translator in the technological world. Principles, techniques, and methods of technological translation. Extensive practical exercises.
SPT 4809 Practica in Medical Translation (3). Medical language. The translator and the medical world. Principles, techniques and methods of medical translation. Extensive practical exercises in translating routine medical documents from English to Spanish and vice versa.
SPT 4813 The Interpreter and Language (3). The interpreter as a linguistics expert. The stylistic levels of language. Legal jargon and street language in English and Spanish. Dialectal problems. Practical and ethnical problems.
SPT 4814 Conference Interpreting (3). Interpreting for international conferences and for diplomacy. Intensive practice in simultaneous interpretation.
SPT 4820 Computer-Aided Translation (3). The translating machine and computer-aided translation. Machine operation. Selected applications of computer translating texts from various disciplines. Correction of translated texts with computers.
SPT 4830 Interpreting for Business (3). The principles and techniques of interpreting in the context of a bilingual (Spanish/English) business setting. Consecutive, simultaneous interpretation and sight translation of business matters.
SPT 4833 Advanced Practica in Medical Translation (3). Provides advanced training in the practice and theory of medical translation using the Internet as a fundamental tool. The course material is presented completely online and requires the student to become familiar with use of the internet as an essential instrument for investigation. Prerequisite: SPT 4809.
SPT 4940 Judicial Translation-Interpretation Internship (3). Students will spend a semester working in state and federal courts under the supervision of a professor, in order to practice in situations in what they have learned. Prerequisites: SPT 4804.
SPT 4941 Professional Translation-Interpretation Internship (3). Students will spend a semester working in state and federal courts under the supervision of a professor, in order to practice in situations what they have learned. Prerequisites: SPT 4803, SPT 4804.
SPT 4942 Medical Interpreting (3). Training medical interpretation, including ethics, professional standards, and roles of the medical interpreter. Extensive practice with authentic materials.
SPW 4133 Eastern Thought and Latin American Literature: The Age of Octavio Paz (3). An exploration of Eastern thought’s influence on Latin American literature since pre-Columbian times: emphasis on Octavio Paz and his contemporaries, in relation to 20th-century Western thought.
SPW 4263 The Spanish Novel of the Nineteenth Century (3). Within the context of literature and society, representative Spanish novels of the epoch will be studied. Special attention will be given to Galdos and Clarin. Prerequisites: SPW 3130 or SPW 3820 or permission of the instructor.
SPW 4271 The Spanish Novel of the 20th Century (3). A study of the genre in Spain before and after the Civil War. Emphasis will be on predominant narrative tendencies. Representative authors will be discussed, such as Cela, Laforet, Sender, Matute, Medio, and others. Prerequisites: SPW 3130 or SPW 3820 or permission of the instructor.
SPW 4280 Spanish American Novel I (3). A view of Spanish American narrative from Colonial times to the turn-of-the-century with focus on the development of literary trends and movements. Prerequisites: SPW 3130 or SPW 3820 or permission of the instructor.
SPW 4281 Spanish American Novel II (3). Study of Spanish America’s outstanding novelists: Güiraldes, Carpentier, Cortázar, Fuentes, Vargas Llosa, Donoso, and García Márques. Considers their works in relation to Spanish American themes. Prerequisites: SPW 3130 or SPW 3820 or permission of the instructor.
SPW 4300 Modern Spanish Drama (3). Examines the production of major Spanish playwrights from the middle of the 18th century to the present. Analyzes the social functions theatre has fulfilled in different periods, its intended audiences, and the poetics the authors represent. Prerequisites: SPW 3820 or SPW 3130.
SPW 4304 Latin American Theatre (3). A view of Latin American theatre from the 19th century to the present. Representative works of the most renowned dramatists will be examined, with emphasis on the works of Usigili, Triana, Márques Wolff, and Diaz. Prerequisites: SPW 3130 or SPW 3820 or permission of the instructor.
SPW 4334 Golden Age Poetry (3). Selected readings from the major lyric poets of the 16th and 17th centuries. Special attention to the problems of contemporary readings of classical texts. Prerequisites: SPW 3130 or SPW 3820 or permission of the instructor.
SPW 4343 Poetry of Garcia Lorca (3). Chronological examination of the major works of Spain’s greatest poet. Special attention to the lyric and dramatic features. Prerequisites: SPW 3130 or SPW 3820 or permission of the instructor.
SPW 4351 Spanish American Poetry I (3). A view of Spanish American poetry from the Pre-Colonial period until 1850. Representative works of the most renown poets will be examined, with emphasis on Ercilla, Sor Juana, Bello, Heredia, and Avellaneda. Prerequisites: SPW 3130 or SPW 3820 or permission of the instructor.
SPW 4352 Spanish American Poetry II (3). A view of Spanish American poetry from 1850 to the present. Representative works of the important poets will be examined, and special attention will be given to Lezama Lima, Parra, Paz, and Vallejo. Prerequisites: SPW 3130 or SPW 3820 or permission of the instructor.
SPW 4364 The Spanish American Essay (3). A study of the ideological and intellectual forces that have shaped the Spanish American thought, as expressed in the works of representative authors such as Rodo, Mallea, Martinez Estrada, Paz, Manach, and others. Prerequisites: SPW 3130 or SPW 3820 or permission of the instructor.
SPW 4384 Spanish-American Literature Before Independence (3). Studies Spanish-American literature prior to Independence providing a general understanding of the development of literature from the Conquest to the Enlightenment. Prerequisites: SPW 3130 & SPW 3820 or permission of the instructor.
SPW 4390 Genre Studies (3). Examination of a single literary form (e.g. short story, poetry), or the study of interaction between literary types (e.g. novel and drama). Prerequisites: SPW 3130 or SPW 3820 or permission of the instructor.
SPW 4391 Contemporary Spanish Cinema (3). Cinema-tographic modes of representing reality in the Spain of the post-Franco era. Focuses on class, race, gender, culture, aesthetics, and ideology.
SPW 4420 Quevedo’s Satire (3). An introduction to the literary world of Spain’s great baroque poet, who created modern satire in Spanish. Prerequisite: A good understanding of Spanish. Prerequisites: SPW 3130 or SPW 3820 or permission of the instructor.
SPW 4424 Golden Age Drama (3). Close readings from the finest plays written in Spain’s Golden Age by Lope de Vega, Calderon, Tirso, and others, including the Don Juan theme. An examination of theatre as stylized conformity and as protest literature in a highly controlled society. Prerequisites: SPW 3130 or SPW 3820 or permission of the instructor.
SPW 4440 18th Century Spanish Literature (3). Examines the most relevant poetry and prose produced by 18th century Spanish writers. Prerequisites: SPW 3130 and SPW 3820.
SPW 4470 Asia in 19th Century Hispanic Literature (3). Studies the formation and influence of Asia in 19th century Spanish and Spanish-American literary discourse.
SPW 4580 El Dorado in Hispanic Literature and Film (3). The Age of Discovery and Conquest in Hispanic literature and film. Considers the works of Columbus, Cadeza de Vaca and Lope de Aguirre in contrast with contemporary reconstructions of their lives. Prerequisites: SPW 3130 or permission of the instructor.
SPW 4590 Creative Modes (3). Discussion of a single mode or a plurality of epoch styles such as classical/ baroque, realism/surrealism. The peculiar/common features of expressive media. Prerequisites: SPW 3130 or SPW 3820 or permission of the instructor.
SPW 4930 Special Topics (3). Independent readings, research, or project.
- 5000 Level Courses (Upper Division)
SPN 5060 Language for Reading Knowledge (3). Designed primarily for graduate students who wish to attain proficiency for M.A. or Ph.D. requirements. Open to any student who has no prior knowledge of the language.
SPN 5061 Language for Reading Knowledge (3). Emphasis on translation of materials from the student’s field of specialization. Prerequisites: SPN 5060 or the equivalent.
SPN 5525 Spanish American Culture (3). A graduate survey of the major artistic phenomena in Latin America. Art, music, film, and literature will be discussed in their cultural context. Prerequisites: Graduate standing and permission of the instructor.
SPN 5536 Afro-Cuban Culture (3). Explores the role played by blacks in Cuban culture. Issues studied include: Afro-Cuban religions, languages, and music, as well as the Afro-Cuban presence in literature and the arts.
SPN 5537 Special Topics in Afro-Hispanic Culture (3). Close examination of various topics related to the culture of African diaspora groups in the Hispanic world.
SPN 5705 The Structure of Spanish (3). An introduction to Spanish linguistics. Topics include Spanish phonetics, phonology, morphology, and syntax. Students who have previously taken Syntactic Structures of Spanish and/or Sound Structure of Spanish will not receive credit for this course. Prerequisites: LIN 3010, LIN 3013, SPN 3733 or equivalent.
SPN 5725 Syntactic Structures of Spanish and English (3). An in-depth study of syntactic structures in Spanish and English, with an emphasis on how linguistic theory can account for the similarities and differences between the two languages. Prerequisites: LIN 3010, LIN 3013, SPN 3733 or equivalent.
SPN 5736 Spanish as a Heritage Language: Acquisition and Development (3). Examines applied linguistics research and practice concerning acquisition, retention and literacy development of Spanish as a minority or heritage language in the United States. Prerequisites: LIN 3010, LIN 3013, SPN 3733 or equivalent or permission of instructor.
SPN 5805 Morphological Structures of Spanish and English (3). A survey of the morphologies of Spanish and English. Topics include the difference between isolating and synthetic languages, rich vs. impoverished agreement, and syntactic ramifications of morphology. Prerequisites: LIN 3010, LIN 3013, SPN 3733 or equivalent.
SPN 5807 Syntactic Structures of Spanish (3). The study of syntactic structures in Spanish, topics include different syntactic approaches to current issues in Spanish syntax. Prerequisites: LIN 3010, LIN 3013, SPN 3733 or equivalent.
SPN 5824 Dialectology of the Spanish Caribbean (3). Study of varieties of Spanish used in the Caribbean area, including Miami-Cuban Spanish. The course will take historical and contemporary perspectives and will involve research among informants in South Florida. Prerequisites: LIN 3010, LIN 3013, SPN 3733 or equivalent.
SPN 5845 History of the Language (3). Historical development of the Spanish language, primarily from the point of view of internal linguistic change. Spanish as an example of general processes of language development. Prerequisites: LIN 3010, LIN 3013, SPN 3733 or equivalent.
SPN 5908 Independent Study (1-3). Project, field experience, readings, or research.
SPT 5118 Literature in Translation (3). Masterpieces of world literature. Open to students who are proficient in more than one language.
SPT 5715 Hispanic Women Writers in Translation (3). Readings and analysis of Spanish and Spanish American women writers in translation. Emphasis on cultural and linguistic considerations involved in the translation of literary texts. Prerequisites: Graduate standing or permission of the instructor.
SPW 5135 Spanish American Literature for Teachers (3). Overview of major trends in Spanish American literature. Especially designed for school teachers and majors in modern language education. Not for M.A. or Ph.D. Spanish majors. Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor.
SPW 5155 Comparative Studies (3). Cross-over and distinctiveness in a multi-language problem, period, or aesthetic.
SPW 5225 Textual Reading and Analysis (3). Studies how texts are constructed, the role played by Poetics and Rhetoric in their formulation, and the context in which they were produced. Prerequisite: Graduate standing.
SPW 5237 The Traditional Spanish American Novel (3). Study and analysis of the traditional Spanish novel as a form of art, from 19th century Lizardi’s El periquillo sarniento, to 1950. The novels and authors studied are representative of ‘costumbrismo’, ‘romanticismo’, ‘naturalismo’, ‘modernismo’, and ‘criollismo’.
SPW 5277 Twentieth Century Spanish Narrative (3). Analysis of the Spanish novel from Ferlosio’s El Jarama to the present. The perspective will be focused within historical, social, and artistic context. Representative authors such as Cela, Martin Santos, Umbral, Delibes, Benet, Goytisolo, and others will be included.
SPW 5286 Contemporary Spanish American Novel (3). A study of the Spanish American Novel from 1950. The course will intensively and extensively focus on the novelists who are best known for their innovations, defining and analyzing the qualities which give originality and newness both in themes and language.
SPW 5346 Poetry of Jorge Guillen (3). Selected readings from the five volumes of Aire nuestro. Emphasis on the techniques of close reading and explication. Related selections from Guillen’s literary criticism.
SPW 5358 Graduate Seminar: Prose and Poetry of Jorge Luis Borges (3). Close readings of short stories and poetry. Emphasis on Borge’s linguistic and cultural pluralism and the interplay of philosophy with fabulation.
SPW 5359 Graduate Seminar: Poetry of Pablo Neruda (3). Chronological examination of the major works of Chile’s Nobel Laureate. Related readings from Neruda’s Memories. Emphasis on the poet’s linguistic and aesthetic innovations.
SPW 5387 Women and Poetry (3). Women as poets and the poeticized. Close reading of Peninsular and Latin American texts, 16th - 20th Century. Students examine the contributions of women and how they have been represented in poetry. Prerequisites: 4000 or 5000 level course in Hispanic Poetry.
SPW 5396 History of Cuban Cinema (3). Overview of Cuban Cinema, from its origins to the present.
SPW 5405 Medieval Spanish Literature (3). Readings in Medieval literature of Spain including the epic, the learned poetry of the XIIIth and XIVth Centuries, and the literature of Juan II’s court. Prerequisites: Graduate standing or permission of the instructor.
SPW 5407 The Renaissance in Spain (3). Readings in the literature and cultural expressions of the Spanish Renaissance. Prerequisites: Graduate standing or permission of the instructor.
SPW 5408 Colonial Latin American Literature (3). The most important and representative literary works of Colonial Latin America from the Cronicas to Lizardi. Prerequisites: Upper level and graduate standing.
SPW 5425 Quevedo: Poetry (3). Close reading of selected poems by Spain’s greatest baroque poet and creator of modern Spanish satire, including poems on love, death, and metaphysical concerns, and a wide range of humorous poems.
SPW 5426 Quevedo: Prose Satire (3). Close reading of selected satires in prose by Spain’s greatest baroque satirist and creator of modern Spanish satire. Includes Quevedo’s picaresque novel El Buscon, and his Suenos, or Visions of Hell.
SPW 5428 Theatre in Calderon and Lope (3). The creation of verbal theatrical technique in the Baroque masters Calderon de la Barca and Lope de Vega.
SPW 5436 Poetry Writing in Spanish (3). Readings from Spanish and Latin American texts; description and recreation of traditional and experimental metrics. Students will exchange critiques of original poems. Prerequisites: sample of unpublished poems; wordprocessing literacy; permission of the instructor.
SPW 5475 19th Century Latin American Literature (3). A study of the main literary works of Spanish speaking 19th Century Latin America: Romanticism, Realism, Naturalism and Modernism. Prerequisites: Upper level and graduate standing.
SPW 5486 Modern Spanish Women Writers (3). Analysis of narrative works by Spain’s most representative women writers from the 19th century to the present. Emphasis on the novel. Includes works by Pardo Bazan, Matute, Laforet, Martin Gaite. Prerequisites: Graduate standing or permission of the instructor.
SPW 5515 Advanced Studies in Hispanic Folklore (3). Studies the oral literary and linguistic tradition of the Hispanic world. Prerequisites: Graduate standing or permission of the instructor.
SPW 5535 Spanish Romanticism (3). Study of Spanish Romanticism through the analysis of major literary figures of the movement: Larra, Zorrilla, Espronceda, Castro and Becquer. Prerequisite: Graduate standing.
SPW 5546 Hispanic Neoclassicism (3). Study of major Spanish and Spanish-American Neoclassic writers: Cadalso, Moratin, Jovellanos, Carrio de la Vandera, mier and Lizardi. Prerequisite: Graduate Standing.
SPW 5556 Spanish Realism and Naturalism (3). Readings in Spanish XIXth Century Novel of Realism and Naturalism including Alarcon, Perez Galdos, Pardo Bazan, Clarin and Blasco Ibanez. Prerequisites: Graduate standing or permission of the instructor.
SPW 5575 Spanish American Modernism (3). An in-depth study of prose and poetry of one of the most important periods of Spanish American literature, focusing on Marti, Dario, Najera, Casals, Silva, Valencia, Lugones, and Herrera y Reissig.
SPW 5585 Learning Technology in Spanish Pedagogy and Research (3). Exploration of the role of technology in today’s language and literature learning environment. Overview of the WWW, Network-based communication, and electronic databases related to Hispanic language and literature. Prerequisite: Graduate standing or advanced undergraduate with permission of the instructor.
SPW 5595 Magical Realism and Typologies of Non-Realist Fiction (3). Theories of magical realism, fantastic and non-realist fiction, focusing on narrative technique. Authors may include Onetti, Borges, Cortázar, Asturias, Carpentier, Rulfo, Márquez, Allende or others. Prerequisites: Graduate standing or permission of the instructor.
SPW 5606 Cervantes (3). A comprehensive introduction to the masterpieces of Cervantes as the creator of the modern novel, and to critical theories about his art.
SPW 5729 Major Writers of the Generation of ’98 (3). Study of the social and political circumstances of Spain at the turn of the XIX Century, and analysis of the work of Ganivet, Azorin, Baroja. Machado, Maeztu, Unamuno and Valle-Inclan. Prerequisites: Graduate standing or permission of the instructor.
SPW 5735 Hispanic Literature of the United States (3). Readings in the literature of Hispanics in the United States. Prerequisites: Graduate standing or permission of the instructor.
SPW 5756 Mexico in Poetry (3). Close reading of modern poets; discussion of essays on Theory and Practice. Students examine national representation in Myth, symbol and metaphor. Prerequisites: 4,000 or 5,000 level course in Culture of Literature.
SPW 5776 Black Literature in Latin America (3). An examination of the different genres in Latin American literature focusing on the life of Afro-Hispanics, from the beginning of this literary tradition to the present time. Prerequisite: Graduate standing.
SPW 5781 The Representation of Women in Spanish Literature and Film (3). Study of cinematographic adaptations of Spanish novels, plays and short stories. Analyzes the representation of the female subject in both literary and filmic works. Prerequisites: Graduate standing or permission of the instructor.
SPW 5786 Spanish American Women Writers (3). Through a selection of poems, plays and novels, this course studies Spanish American women’s production from Independence to the present times. Prerequisite: Graduate students only.
SPW 5806 Methods of Literary Research (3). Introduction to bibliography, methods of research, the composition of essays, rhetoric, and the presentation of documentation. Theory of literary criticism, and its practical application to texts in Spanish.
SPW 5934 Special Topics in Language/Literature (3). Content and objectives to be determined by student and instructor.
For admissions requirements, application deadlines and more, visit the Admissions website.