Jazmine Exford
Jazmine Exford is an assistant professor of Spanish Sociolinguistics in the department of Modern Languages. She holds an M.A. and Ph.D. in Linguistics from the University of California, Santa Barbara, and a B.A. in Linguistics and Hispanic Studies from the University of California, Riverside.
As an anthropological and applied sociolinguist, she uses interdisciplinary frameworks to examine a range of topics, including racio-gendered sociolinguistic choices of non-Latinx Spanish learners, discourses of second language learning and education abroad, Spanish as a local language, Blackness in the Americas/Mexico, transnational identity construction, among others.
She relies on various qualitative research methods, namely digital, auto- and institutional ethnography, sociolinguistic and ethnographic interviews, field observations and notes, focus groups, questionnaires, archival and narrative inquiry, and multimodal discourse analysis of various texts, images, and forms of embodiment.
Jazmine enjoys creating courses that are rooted in community practice and center the experiences and concerns of marginalized language varieties. She has worked on various collaborative projects where she uses her expertise to inform critical and application-focused curriculum.