
Japanese Courses

Japanese is taught at several levels at FIU:
(Class Number Class Name (Credits)

JPN 1130 Japanese I (5). Provides training in the acquisition and application of basic language skills.

JPN 1131 Japanese II (5). Provides training in the acquisition and application of basic language skills.

JPN 2200 Intermediate Japanese I (3). Provides intermediate training in the acquisition and application of basic language skills. Prerequisites: One year prior study at college level or permission of the instructor.

JPN 2201 Intermediate Japanese II (3). To help students maintain and further improve their speaking, writing, listening, and reading skills in Japanese in more complex situations. Students learn how to use useful expressions of experience and thought in advanced level of Japanese. Prerequisite: JPN 2200.

JPN 3140 Japanese for Business (3). A study of Japanese language in a context of Japanese business practices, values and customs.

JPN 3242 Japanese Conversation and Composition I (3). Helps students develop their proficiency in speaking, reading and writing through reading and discussion of Japanese texts on various topics. Prerequisite: JPN 2200.

JPN 3243 Japanese Conversation and Composition II (3). Continuation of Conversation and Composition. Provides intermediate training in the acquisition and application of the language skills. Prerequisite: JPN 3242.

JPN 3400 Advanced Japanese I (3). Continuation of Intermediate JPN II which provides the beginning level of advanced training in the acquisition and application and application of the language skills. Prerequisites: JPN 2201 or equivalent.

JPN 3401 Advanced Japanese II (3). Continuation of Advanced Japanese I which provides advanced training in the acquisition and application of the language skills. Prerequisites: JPN 3400 or equivalent.

JPN 3420 Japanese through Technology (3). Provides training in the acquisition and application of the language skills in reading, listening and typing. Prerequisites: One year prior study at college level or permission of the instructor.

JPN 3500 Japanese Culture and Society (3). To give students sociocultural knowledge and well-rounded understanding of the culture and society in Japan. Students also have an opportunity to experience Japanese traditional arts including Japanese Calligraphy.

JPN 4930 Special Topics in Japanese (3). Topics will be selected to meet academic needs for studies doing research on Japanese language. Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor.

JPT 3521 Japanese Literature and Cinema (3). An introduction to modern Japanese literature and cinema which compares literary and cinematic approaches by focusing on Japanese society, culture and aesthetic sense.

JPW 4130 Reading Japanese Literature (3). Reading and analysis of selected literary texts in contemporary Japanese with an introduction to poetry (haiku and waka). Prerequisites: JPN 3401 or permission of instructor.

JPW 4131 Reading Japanese Non-Fiction (3). Advanced writing and reading of non-fictional text focusing on Japanese culture and society. Prerequisites: JPN 3401 or permission of instructor.