Program Overview
The Department of Modern Languages offers a Major, a Minor in Portuguese, and a Certificate in Portuguese Language and Brazilian Culture.
The Portuguese program offers a Study Abroad Summer Program and the Celpe-Bras Proficiency Exam in Portuguese. Courses available in the Study Abroad program make up part of the Portuguese major, minor, and certificate.
To receive more information about any aspect of the Portuguese program, please contact:
Dr. Eugenia Fernandes, Assistant Professor of Portuguese:, or Dr. Nicola Gavioli, Associate Teaching Professor of Portuguese: (305) 348-4556

The Portuguese Language is spoken by more than 255 million people worldwide.
Of this number, 207 million are in Brazil. In addition to Brazil and Portugal, it is also officially spoken in Angola, Mozambique, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Equatorial Guinea, Timor-Leste and São Tomé and Príncipe. Learn more about the Portuguese language in the Portuguese Language Museum Webpage.
Nicola Gavioli
Associate Teaching Professor of Portuguese
While course content includes material on Portugal and her former colonies, these programs are intended primarily for students with a special interest in the language and culture of Brazil. It is strongly suggested that any interested student combine Portuguese studies with a first or second major in a related or complementary area, such as Spanish, French, History, Political Science, International Relations, Economics, or International Business.
For more information, please visit the Major in Portuguese and Lusophone Studies page.